The 5% Solution

access_time 2020-01-29T13:50:57.293Z face Murali Sundaram Productivity

"Please help me with this"

Asked one of my friend/student who wanted to improve his personal and professional life immediately.

We talked about the foolishness of trying to change immediately and radically from nothing to something. From scared to confident. Instead, I shared with him the 5% solution.

He became super thrilled and applied it immediately in his life and it worked wonders.

I asked him to write down the answer to the below question...

‘If I were 5% more responsible for my life today . . .’

He immediately rattled down a few sentences like the below...

. . . then I would get more sleep.
. . . I would delegate more of my office work to my team. 
. . . I’d read spiritual literature every morning.
. . . I’d meet with my children’s teachers.
. . . I’d plan my day and week more thoughtfully.
. . . I’d ask for help more often.

I asked him to apply the same process to being 5% more peaceful inside, to being a 5% better parent, a 5% better husband, better provider, and on and on. 

H was amazed that the answers were always inside him, ready to pour out. They just needed some prompting and a kind of game to get it going.

By thinking in terms of a 5% improvement, our mind opened up easily. 

I saw all kinds of little things I could be doing immediately when I understood this. I saw I could do anything 5% better, but to change something completely was frighteningly hard to think about.     

You cannot solve everything at once. Why? Because that’s I.M.P.OS.S.I.B.L.E.

But getting 5% better. That’s doable. Isn't it so?

So, let’s bring it to you. Let’s practice this sentence completion exercise to see all the tiny little things you can do to enhance your life just a little more today.

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If I were 5% more responsible for my life today . . .


Fantastic. Let’s remember that it’s all about incremental improvement compounded over time that leads to optimal awesomeness. 

Remember the wise words of Buddha “Little by little a person become evil, as a water pot is filled by drops of water... Little by little a person becomes good, as a water pot is filled by drops of water.”

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