18 Practical Tips to Understand your Mind through Meditation

access_time 2021-05-20T00:53:48.351Z face Murali Sundaram
18 Practical Tips to Understand your Mind through Meditation The most important habit I’ve formed in the last 30 years is Meditation. Meditation has helped me to form all my other habits, it’s helped me to become more peaceful, more focused, less worried about discomfort, more appreciative and atten...

5 Must Read Spiritual Books

access_time 2021-02-16T01:10:05.234Z face Murali Sundaram
5 Must-Read Spiritual Books Who Am I? This is the most dangerous question to answer. In this video, I have explained about 5 best spiritual books to read and figure out the answer to this question. Watch this video and share your comments below....

Why Himalayas is the best teacher

access_time 2020-08-14T02:46:04.94Z face Murali Sundaram
Why the Himalayas is the Best Teacher In the Video Interview, I shared why all of us must visit the Himalayas and why it is the best teacher for life... Watch the video and share your comments......

My Perception of Karma Yoga

access_time 1597113000000 face Murali Sundaram
What is my Perception Karma Yoga? Watch this quick video where I shared my perspective of karma yoga and how you can dissolve it for spiritual ascension....

Can you LIVE life with NO-Agenda?

access_time 2020-07-14T03:15:12.482Z face Murali Sundaram
Can we live Life without any Agenda? Is it really possible to live life with No Agenda? I opened my camera without any topic, content and any expectation and spoke about this topic for 45 minutes. I answered some interesting questions in this FB Live talk 1) Do you think life without an agenda is a ...
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